Now showing items 1-20 of 199

      Authors Name
      S.F. acknowledges support from the College of Science and Engineering and the Research Office (University of Galway). S.F. is grateful to Jennifer Siobal for technical support. S.F. thanksMiguel de Lucas Torres (Durham University) for his supportwith Y2H experiments. S.F., R.H., K.N. and M.G. were supported by 20/FFP-P/8693 grant from Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and by a NUI Galway Research Grant for Returning Academic Careers QA151.M.G. was also supported by the SFI Centre for Research Training in Genomics Data Science (grantN. 18/CRT/6214). J.G. was supported through the University of Galway Hardiman Scholarship programme and Thomas Crawford Research Grant. J.G. internship at IBENS was supported by the COST Action CA16212 INDEPTH (EU). E.M. was funded by a College of Science and Engineering scholarship (University of Galway).Work in FB and CB laboratory was supported by ANR- 18-CE13-0004-01 and ANR-20-CE13-0028 grants from the French National Research Agency. S.S. was supported by Foundation for Polish Science (TEAM POIR.04.04.00-00-3C97/16) and by Polish National Science Centre (SONATA BIS UMO-2018/30/E/NZ1/00354). M.K. was supported by Polish National Science Centre (OPUS UMO-2021/41/B/ NZ3/02605). [1]
      Saber, Akram Hatem [1]
      Sadaf, Saima [1]
      Sadeghi, Arash [1]
      Sadiq, Mohammad Ali A. [1]
      Saha, Sushanta Kumar [1]
      Sahal, Radhya [5]
      Sahal, Radyah [1]
      Saif, Abdu [1]
      Saiperas, Romanos [1]
      Sakalauskas, Virgilijus [1]
      Sakli, Hedi [1]
      Sakyimah, Maxwell Mamfe [1]
      Salah Al-Shati, Ahmed [1]
      Saleh, Hager [2]
      Salehi, Aref [2]
      Salgado, Débora P. [1]
      Salgado, Debora Pereira [1]
      Salgado, Débora Pereira [2]
      Salh, Adeb [1]