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dc.contributor.advisorStephens, Dr.Simonen
dc.contributor.authorHegarty, Staceyen
dc.identifier.otherMSc Mkting practiceen
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this research was to examine social networking sites (SNSs) as a marketing tool with evidence from County Donegal. This will then help establish how valuable SNSs are for marketing by small medium enterprises (SMEs). By analysing certain literature, it was clear that no handbook currently exists to help SMEs handle their social media presence. It was evident from the literature that start-up businesses tend to choose social media networks that they engage in without much strategy. This research aims to be useful to SMEs within Donegal and throughout Ireland in regards to using social networking as a marketing tool. Secondary research consisted of a literature review examining SNSs, their use by SMEs, the behaviour of consumers and the management of brands. Primary research was conducted in two phases. Phase one involved 160 surveys distributed online to users of the SNS Facebook. Phase two involved conducting four semi-structured interviews with SME owner/managers located in Donegal in the sectors of retail and travel/hospitality. The study found that SNSs are a highly effective marketing tool for SMEs and are a cost-effective way for companies to pull in new business from customers. SNSs are influentially powerful platforms that allow SMEs to see who their customers are, resulting in sales and overall profit for businessen
dc.titleSocial networking as a marketing tool: evidence from Donegalen
dc.typeMasters (taught)en
dc.publisher.institutionLetterkenny Institute of Technologyen
dc.rights.accessCreative Commonsen
dc.subject.keywordSocial networkingen
dc.subject.keywordRetail marketingen

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